Wednesday, January 14, 2009

25 Things I Love About Brandon

I was cleaning out my email folders the other day and came across this love note I sent to my future husband. We had been dating for 7 months at the time
~Tuesday July 17th 2007~

25 Things I love about Brandon

1. Understanding
2. Makes me laugh
3. keeps me smiling all day long even when I am not with him
4. Thoughtful
5. Has great Hair
6. Fun to cuddle with
7. Admits he loves pickles and cheese
8. Reads me Romeo and Juliet
9. Honest
10. Hard Working
11. Loves sports
12. Reads me like a book
13. Always interested in what I have to say
14. Calms Me
15. Helps me sleep
16. Makes me want to be a better person
17. Has a strong Testimony
18. A worthy priesthood holder
19. An example of fasting and paying tithing
20. Smart
21. Calls me Baby dah
22. Don't love Fighting but I always love him more after :)
23. when he won't get off the phone until he knows I am smiling
24.Inspires me to be passionate about life
25. can spell and do math :)

I love you, have a good day!


  1. You guys make such a great couple!!! I'm so glad you've started a blog. Welcome to the blogging world. Now I can peak into your little life and know what's going on, even when we don't see you guys.
